We all know that people on the servers can be sometimes openly racist and very toxic, and we also know that we all want some cosmetic system back. I think a method to achieve both is give the option to vote on players that are kind (it is done like this in some other game I can’t remember the name) So each player can vote on 10 people a day (1 vote gives 1 scrap) and each player can only receive a certain amount of points per day.
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It will cause inflation in item prices, It wont beat toxicity in any way and bot farm accounts will activise
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This wouldn’t work. Easily rigged, wouldn’t really work for PvPers or rather it would favour RPers.
Pretty much what Reptiliod said.
I do worry that this would be too easily exploitable and would cause a lot of false kicks. I’m all for a voting system, but I don’t think there should be a reward tied to it.
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