Couple of cool suggestions (Feel free to add more and discuss)

A straightforward topic about cool suggestions that can make the game fun, make innovative changes, and/or simply bring quality-of-life. It can be a game mechanic or a workshop developer tool. All suggestions are not guaranteed to be implemented, but it is enjoyable to talk about once in a while.

  • Item Description Scroll Bar (Game Mechanic) - Simply a scroll bar to add when you read an item description. Very helpful to read extended descriptions.

  • Instantiate Event Hook (Developer Tool) - Mod hook to duplicate a game asset. The instantiated/duplicated asset can then come with different settings. Allows for possibilities such as simulating a destroyed vehicle part or shooting a built-in projectile from a jet.
    Unity - Manual: Instantiating Prefabs at run time

  • Movement State Cooldown (Game Mechanic) - A way to slow down spamming jump, lean, crouch, or prone stances. Allow ways to add a few seconds cooldown before attempting the movement again, E.G. 2 seconds before jumping again. Best to make this configurable for individual server use.
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  • Animation Player/Emote Assets (Developer Tool) - Almost misleading title, but basically an asset type that when used plays a player animation. This overrides all animations the player is running to play a specific animation (think Fortnite as an example). Allows creative implementations to freshen the game, like crafting animations, funny emotes, or utterly destroying every bone in the player’s skeleton.

  • Weapon Platform/Switching in Vehicles (Game Mechanic) - Gives the option to make a vehicle change weapons using preset hotkeys inside the vehicle itself. Should harbor up to 10 items by the modder’s choice. Can create new tools such as coaxial machine guns for vanilla tanks and smoke launchers to conceal them.
    Abrams GIFs | Tenor

  • Ragdolling (Game Mechanic) - Certain scenarios cause players to be ragdolled. I can think of examples such as players standing on platforms with 1 leg, external forces pushing players too hard, and explosions that cause ragdolling (similar to the screen shake mechanic).
    Red Dead Redemption 2: Discussion & Speculation (Part 2) - Page 857 - Red Dead Redemption 2 - GTAForums

  • Blueprint Crafting Duration and Tables (Game Mechanic) - These give the options to make crafting a specific blueprint timed and can require a table. For example, building a metal wall for 3 seconds in an architect workbench.
    Jarvis Meme GIF - Jarvis Meme There Is A Pipebomb In Your Mailbox Meme - Discover & Share GIFs

  • Vehicle Collision Event Hook (Developer Tool) - Have a variant of the current Collision Event Hook but for vehicles. It does exactly the same thing but it finds vehicles instead, or you know, just update the current one to be modular of what it collides with instead of only vehicles.
    Roblox Drive Car Accident GIF - Roblox Drive Car Accident - Discover & Share GIFs

  • State Connect Event Hook (Developer Tool) - Can connect event hook states with other hooks and can also output an event as an option. For example, an event from a Vehicle Collision Event Hook colliding with a jet calls the State Connect Event Hook, then stores the data from the previous mod hook (the collided jet) for any other event hook to use. We will use Instantiate Event Hook as an external event hook that uses the stored data from the State Connect Event Hook. The instantiated object, another jet’s built-in missile as a sample, uses the data that contains the exact jet collided from before, to Transform.LookAt at it, essentially creating a homing missile. Function of all mentioned mod hooks as a scenario in (bad) pseudocode format below:

3. DECLARE box_collider_homing - has VehicleCollisionEventHook, StateConnectEventHook, InstantiateEventHook
4. DECLARE jet_a_missile - Inactive Rocket Projectile
5. Jet A has box_collider_homing in the front and collides with Jet B, setting off VehicleCollisionEventHook.
6. box_collider_homing StateConnectEventHook activates, stores VehicleCollisionEventHook data (Jet B), and outputs an event that activates InstantiateEventHook.
7. InstantiateEventHook duplicates jet_a_missile & modifies it to be active and Transform.LookAt Jet B.
8. Congratulations, you have created a jet with air-to-air missiles.

If you have any comments or if you want to suggest something, do reply. All players and developers alike can discuss in this open topic to discuss suggestions that can help the game some more on both ends of Nelson and the community.


It’s sad that Nelson probably wouldn’t implement those

Nope, he probably as too much in his hands rn. It’s fun to dream and talk about them sometimes though.


The Instantiate Event Hook is my favorite suggestion here. I personally think it would be the most useful.


Duplicating assets is an underrated tool in the Unturned’s modding sphere. It’s a shame we haven’t had one yet, but there are a lot of possibilities if we did have this hook.

All this + a good bandit AI system would change my life


Definitely a game changer in the modding side if we manage to get an AI system. I would probably make a new topic about this in the future.

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