Crafted ammunition box

Everyone knows how it will be the unturned II ammo box 556 will be like the one below.

And we also know that making ammunition will be possible then what about an exclusive box? the size of the crafted crate will be of different sizes and shapes depending on the caliber, you may think "put the crafted ammunition into an empty normal ammunition box ‘’ this could cause confusion at the time of organizing things, the crafted box would be so .

The format and size change according to the caliber see the 762

Good idea, but i think you should be able to store whatever ammo in either box, it would just be one if you needed a makeshift (if you need to store all your bullets and cants find a box) and the other (normal one) would be a rare find.

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Not for the reason already explained because you can get confused with the box that has good and crafted ammunition.

The normal box can be found in bases and military camps the craftada … well can only be crafted comes empty and you fill it with ammo and can only be obtained by crafting it with wooden boards.

I don’t really see a use for this unless it is a generalized makeshift ammo crate that is capable of holding any conventional kind of ammunition.

To make a “Makeshift 5.56x45mm Ammunition Crate” and have it not be able to store 9x19mm rounds would be ridiculously petty.

What would stop someone from just doing what they want with how they organize ammo? That’s really in the eye of the beholder.

Personally I think a crafted ammo box would be hella neat, especially if you just can’t find one. Though I think you should be able to story both in both

following this thought you could put normal ammunition in normal boxes of different calibers this would help to apply blows in exchanges between players, but leaving it there my idea here is to have versions of crafted boxes of different calibers as well as different crafted bullets of different calibers.

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