Customizable Item Types and Rarity

Customizable Item Types | Originally suggested by Susuchan in the discord

Both me and a lot of other modders have run into the issues of the item’s type not matching what we’re trying to do in the description. For example, I’ve made IDs in the past and used the cloud item for it. With a customizable item type, the description would be able to match what the item is made for.

In Susuchan’s example, they used the Medicine item type to act as an experience book. Due to this, the description shows it as a “Legendary Medicine” even though it is a book.
Now, they still want to use the intractability of the medicine. So, it cannot just be a new type that serves as a custom description.

Thus, I suggest adding a new dat file property. Here’s an example of what it could look like:

Type Medical
Type_Text Book

The looks of it can be decided by you but essentially, it’d be a property to change the text that the type shows in the description of the item

Customizable Item Rarity | My Own Suggestion

As an addition to the custom item type shown above, I think adding the ability to change the color or text of the item’s rarity would give a lot of customizability to items. For example, if a curated map maker dislikes the current ranking system, they can make a new one. Or in another example, the maker of a document mod could categorize the different documents into levels. There are so many different opportunities that can be explored by giving us this customizability.

As for how it could work, I suggest adding a new dat file property that would look like this when added:

Rarity Custom
Rarity_Text Secured
Rarity_Color 08b279

Rarity_Text could be merged into Rarity if you want to go through the effort of changing how the rarity system works. However, I felt like what I put above would be the simplest way to add a small addition like this.


I agree that it would be a very welcome addition ! I personally think it would be worth adding.

I think it would be really interesting. It would also be nice if it were easy to learn and use it.