normally there i would make some stupid punchline
but honestly i dont know how to respond
so i’ll just say ChaCha_Fontanez.mp3
im really ChaCha_Fontznez.mp3
someone please explain the joke here
Pesky dab reveal??
That was my greatest shitpost, and it was ripped right out of my hands by a mod
ChaCha_Fontanez.mp3 is a royalty free music piece available on the YouTube Audio Library from the artist “Jimmy Fontanez”. The music itself is rather lackluster upon the initial viewing, however the beauty of this song comes from the image it allows you to picture. ChaCha_Fontanez is no longer just some ‘song’, it is an emotion. A new emotion, infact. The brilliant artist behind this piece has brought us a new way to express ourselves. An example of a ChaCha_Fontanez moment would be; watching something bad happen to some you hate, an unexpected fluttering moment of awe and joy (Molton saying “dabbing”), or the intense feeling of watching something you want to succeed fail but at the same time somebody in the room passes gas and you begin to laugh uncontrollably. Thank you Jimmy Fontanez for gifting us this new emotion! We do indeed cherish it!
it was also in the first “meme” in the 2rgames meme video.
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