Death by heights should actually exist in II

I will make a video to make all of yall seem do dumb when i get home.

(Watch the mythbusters episode)

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don’t be a minecraft pussy
be a terraria warrior
enlist today


How dare you insult the gods game. 1v1 me with your terrablade, you filth.
Lol jk terraria is good but don’t insult Minecraft,


How far from home are you?

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TBH i forgot about it. I will do it today.

But, water is not MORE dangerous than land, but up until a certain impact speed it DOES help against falling. After a certain impact speed you will have the same amount of damage like if you fell on land. But thats like a drop from 100 feet doing a bellyflop, if you pencil into the water you will take significantly less force onto your legs. Think about it, if falling into water did MORE damage to you than falling on earth, then how come Olympic divers jump of platforms 40 ft high and dont break there legs?

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