Deblog #008

Hi my name is neslon sexton and this is is my new devblog and i hope you guys enjoy!!!
For number one on the list on my debvlog is the new cukabuckanov!!!

as you can see im really going for a higer level of detail on 4.4.X ! !! Next on the deblog is the newest car for X.4!

Its a police car to makeshift’d a kukebekandov into a michine gun! The police ocficer shoots mega mustard
gas bullets for riot control!
Next is the new curated 4.0 map!
its macerdonia map made by modztoomuch
I cant give any spoilers but heres the new spike gun for the map!
it shoot spikes!
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(+10 letters)

go home, buddy

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plzzzz add grenade launchrrrr1!!!

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thought next map was zimbabwe/madagascar border. its not. NEXT!!!

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h0M1Ng RAk3tttttSssSss!!!

all hail lord neslon.

Thnx for the new blog neslon