Devlog #007

Not unless you’re dehydrating to death and about to croak.

Molton Montro and Deathismad would be too long for that sign. Will signs get longer, text get smaller, or names get shortened?

This is a good question. I assume text would most likely get smaller and then be pushed onto a new line if still needed. However, I assume most of the references to the community would be a bit more subtle (and likely shorter than the actual username).

Can we give other players swirlies in the toilet? I have some plans to make…

That’s cyberbullying!!!

A powered dryer? Two sinks and one soap dispenser with two separate mirrors?

Looks exactly like a public bathroom to me apart from the toilet not having a stall.

I guess it could be a private bathroom too, but it’s kinda a weird mix of both.

this is all amazing

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Okay, in Pineridge I’ll now be slightly disappointed if there isn’t a street named “Devlog”.


It’s not an actual restroom at all considering it’s outside with only two walls and no roof. :confused: Y’all are just reading too far into this.


But…who needs a roof when there’s nobody left alive to complain about it?

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While the lighting makes it clear that if the bathroom has a roof, then that roof would have to be clear, there is no evidence on the presence or lack of additional walls being out of frame, although clearly there is more than just two walls, as the floor and furnishings of the room are featured prominently in the center of the image.

Is it just me or are the mirrors reflecting at the wrong angle?

This is the right angle

With the technological advances made by Big J, bathrooms are now built without rooves and the flooring is replaced by solar panels, this allows all bathroom utilites to be carbon neutral, except for all the farts.

yeet toliets!!

Will new Unturned be published like 3.0? You will just go to properties-> Beta version-> and you will type some ultra magic things into that label like last OPERATIONMAPLELEAF and it will update ur game to new unturned or you will have to go trought catalog and all your played hours will dissappear. I have over 2k hours and I know that it will be a new games but I still wanna have there that magical number. It will not be good for me and some other people to start from zero w/ everything.

No it is a separate game, which has been said like 700000 times. It will be a separate download.


Roadsign—but why tho
Me—More people would come i guess

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Noice, neat, have a nice day

Nelson! What have you done! This just looks amazing! I can’t wait to try out the toilet destructability ingame :smile: