Devlog #019


Torso faces are distorting a bit weirdly here (face is inverted/nonexistent?), in their attempt to keep with the arm.

For anyone who is curious, the proportions of the latest character model are available on the Wiki.


come on Montro, I was going to point out that visual glitch, you beat me to it!

Denizen v3 looks great! I also like the subtle detail of varying shell collision sounds.
I hope that shotgun model will be upgraded in the future, it doesn’t really look like a final model at the moment.


I love the more realistic player, but it’s a bit too stretchy. Tweaking the thresholds a bit could fix it. Great work Nelson.

It’s like Christmas. Lol the new model looks weird compared to the slim one. Guess I’ll have to get used to the new one.


the character model looks so much better

I like the somewhat silly, stretchy model, fits with Unturned’s style imo.

Looks amazing, the hype builds with every devlog!

I dont like the new model because his arms are too wide , he dosent have a gap between his legs and overall i think that it is too much like 3.0. The model from car revision had alot of potencial
Because it had the proportions similar to a human , he should have tweaked it instead of makeing a new model .

Also i think that the model from devlog 1 is superior to this one in almost every way


I personally don’t like the new t h i c c model, It just makes me think of roblox. Obviously the denizen v2 model’s arms were out of proportion but if nelson could find a way to fix that I think it would look really nice. If we don’t go back to the old rig I would at least hope the arms get smaller.
I mean look at these normal arms:

(I don't want to take too much space w/ images)

And then look at these chonkers:

There is a huge screen real estate difference, plus the thicc boys are just hard to take seriously, not that unturned is supposed to be a serious game, but I think this is too much.

A good compromise could definitely be the early denizen models like from devlog 1 or 6:


There is a gap between the legs. You can see this gap in the video really well when he’s in third-person, such as at 1:28. (You can also see it in another image I’ve uploaded farther down—as mentioned in the video, the legs are always angled now.)

The D1, D19, and D18 models all have a gap between the legs.


That model was designed very similarly to U3’s model, which left it with a lot of the same limitations U3’s character model had.

Which is why a new model was made when Nelson designed a new rig. After making a new rig, the models have afaik just been tweaks to the same model, not “new models” from scratch.

The images are as follow: D1, D19, D18.

He’s in free-cam in that image. It does not take up that much space, as you can see in the image I’ve provided to the right.

The image on the left is me taking my own screenshot of that scene, so that the images are the same resolution. This means people can open up both images in separate tabs, and flick back and forth between them.

A lot of people are complaining about the arms taking up too much space because they didn’t realize Nelson was using free-cam in that scene to get a better look at the arms.


I think my favorite part is how the gun moves in first person when you jump. Always love it when a game actually makes you feel like you’re jumping.

Also that shotgun blast jumped me real bad. Definitely a fan of it.


Yeah I dont like how the arms are big tho

With all this feedback probably the character will still go through several adjustments I think leaving the width of the limbs a little thinner would solve, however the ‘’ slender ‘’ version would look good with shorter arms but it is only the opinion of someone who does not have experience in this so do not take too seriously…

Yeah good thing he is a good Dev that listens to feedback.

Be sure of this, nelson hears the community, this is very good.

my only problem is that the shotgun sound fades out too soon :frowning:


The second I saw Devlog #19, the pure joy that appeared on my face…
And after seeing the additions you made, absolute excitement.

Amazing job on the game, can’t wait till we’re able to test the additions so we can give a proper feedback

Pretty neat! Though ignore the people saying they prefer it skinnier plz, as the current model looks much better.

What I’d really love to see is a separate hand, full fingers would be excessive but simple mitten hands with a wrist would solve many problems like the hands being the same size as the arm and the struggle to not dislocate joints when you’re trying to get the players arm to hold an object at a certain angle without wrists.
The limbs really need to get more rounded, especially the head. everyone just assumes this is a minecraft clone from the player model.
I think a balance between slenderman and thicc boi in limb thickness would really be ideal, now you’ve fixed hip dislocation you could probably get away with much thinner limbs without it looking like slender man especially if you make sure not to make it too stretchy.

edit: heard people talking about tapering the arm towards the hand. This seems way easier and isn’t much worse in quality

But anyway, you could probably get someone to model it for you with the amount of fans you have

i respect your opinion, but the changes you proposed would ruin the art style and it wouldn’t be unturned anymore. and the minecraft thing is more of a meme, not that “minecraft with guns” is an insult anyway

An abomination you described was heavily disapproved in earlier discussions regarding models. People prefer keeping it to the original Unturned way (In terms of shaping)

Doesn’t really matter if this game is described as a Minecraft clone. Would automatically mean those people have a very limited imagination other than knowing typical mainstream game aspects.

Not only keeping it ‘Original’, it is very friendly for the dev and community modders to work on anything related to the model (e.g. Clothes, animations).