TL;DR: Access to the beta has been expanded to anyone who owns the Experienced Beret. Clothes are back in, and a new temporary CQC map has been added.
TL;DR: Access to the beta has been expanded to anyone who owns the Experienced Beret. Clothes are back in, and a new temporary CQC map has been added.
Aw man,i need 900 more hours to be able to get a key
Cool devlog as always tho!
If you own the experienced beret, you can claim the Unturned II beta by going into your in-game inventory and above stockpile
CQC maps looks great, and 3D bullet holes will be a cool feature. Great work once again!
Also, who’s going to start the bug reports area for devlog #24? lol.
I wonder if we will be able to sneak live grenades into people’s pockets then
I was hoping it’d be closer to 1,000 hours but its wonderful that the game is making progress.
A bit upset im only around 308 hours away to get the beret, a solid 2092 hours but never-the-less I’m excited to see whats new, I’ve heard the keys have been explanded to more forum users so hopefully theres a chance that way, but overall U4 development is coming along very nicely.
That map reminds me of one map in Escape from Tarkov (it’s Factory)
Anyone know if there are dedicated servers up yet? That would be sweet
Awww, I should’ve played 3 times more to be able to get a key… Currently at 600 hours.
Using normal maps for bullet holes is a great idea. I can’t wait for bullets actually penetrating a thin surface and leaving a hole behind.
Btw, anyone played, i’d like to know how long it takes for the bullet holes to disappear.
Darn I mainly play offline so my hours are at around 48. Looks really awesome and complete already! Can’t wait until he expands access more.
~15 seconds
the game works on 60 fps OMG OMFG OMG!!!on low end pc!!!
oof can’t get it only have 600 hrs
at least the cqc its 60 fps i really dont know why the firing range is so broken.
Imagine not being able to play unturned
(This post was made by experienced beret gang)
But im not in that gang so i cry
Experienced beret gang is not epic.
I get from 35 to 40 fps in CQC, if I put all things in the least possible including the resolution scale I get from 80 to 100 FPS! but in the shooting range the performance is the same, I just do not understand.