Devlog #024


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yoo i got it and its so fun, i need some peeps to play with tho

dam wish i could play

Is it fine if I report the bugs I saw in the beta access here lol (maybe?)

The beta was nice, the weapons are customisable as a GTAV car (actually yes), you could dismantle every Eaglefire you found.
The new inventory system is convenient and simple (even I understood it)

I had a few bugs when equipping the “Canted Picatinny Mount” on the sniper for the first time, causing a strange glitch when I tried to aim.

And I could drive with a weapon (and shot).

The game is still in beta, I think these bugs will be fixed when the game is out.
I did not play in multiplayer yet (none of my friends lost their time on getting the beret), but I think it would be cool to do some pvp with these new guns !

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Does the container content respawn after a while? Would be useful to let it respawn every 1-2 minutes for it to be fun. My fps also jumped since the last beta. Had around 200 last version, around 300 using a 1080ti now :ok_hand:

I didnt see any loot respawning, it would be great tho thats true. I was on like 3 different servers and I couldnt find any loot lol

The walls and floors aren’t meant to have actual textures. It’s a test map. Those are dev textures.

finally got my key ayyyyy

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laggy as shit for me, get like 5-10FPS on a absolute toaster

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@MoltonMontro I referred to the goals, the grass and the snow outside, the safes, the suitcase of the eagle fire, the props etc.

Yeah man,same here.
I don’t know why the shooting range has been so mean performance-wise to lower end machines.I think it has something to do with the moving targets.

@F1 I do not know how some things like scheduled moves give such a big loss of performance, there probably should have something to do with the code.

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Its probably something with his pc, as nelson had gained around 20 fps and p9nda has gained over 100. Mine used tp be at 40 and i will edit this post when i get home from work today to see if i had anything improve.

@KingFrog have 35-40 FPS in CQC Map,in Shooting camp i have 15-20 fps.

Intel hd 520.
I3 6006u.
4gb RAM.
Windows 10

Game configuration:
All in the LOW
Resolution scale 100%

Dude, you’re using Intel integrated ggraphics. That’s bad. Even a gt 730 might run this game

(Also change the res scale it makes a big difference, especially if you don’t have a graphics card.)

mfw still no mac support


@anon67155151 Is that part of ‘‘significance’’ only Nelson that it can solve? or is it some game setting

Yes the part of the resolution scale I prefer to leave at 100%, 30 fps is great for me.

I have a complaint.

Where’s the Devlog #024 tweet? :rage: