Discord Ban appeal Unturned

Hello i got banned on unturned discord 1 month ago for homobhia i said that u dont get anything while being gay. Some time has passed i wanna use discord server! [Z] dzoks

Hey, @goretext.

Ideally, a ban appeal should include a reason why you feel you should be unbanned. Is there anything else you’d like to add to your appeal?

It looks like you’ve miscategorized your post. Please make sure you’re posting in the correct category!

Im using Unturned discord a lot for hosting thats main reasson

Thank you for clarifying.

Unfortunately, I am denying your appeal for the same reason as your previous appeal. I don’t think you’ve recognized that you broke the server’s rules, and based on your appeals it seems likely that you may repeat the rule-breaking behavior.

Since you’ve appealed multiple times and they’ve all been denied for similar reasons, I must ask that you please refrain from appealing again.

Appeal denied.