Do SDG fuel common market supplies ? (Theory)

Since Artisan’s Makeshift Mystery Box crafting avaliable I bought over 25k common items from market. Plus other people bought common skins since 2 weeks. The thing is item prices didn’t even a bit moved.{I’m not using USD or EURO, so I can see prices to 0,0000019$}
Lets say there are 10 items to the price of 40-50 and like 800 items above 50
When I buy all the 40-50 items it’s instantly recovers like where those items come from they just keep spawning I’m buying them for like 2 weeks.

All listings on the Steam Community Market are by players. You can view median sale prices and cumulative buy/sell orders from the market page. E.g., looks like most 1,054 crafting materials were bought in the last 24 hours, and there’s 16,595 sell orders at 0.04 USD currently.

Most market listings are for very old playtime drops, which we disabled some time ago to combat botting (along with Crafting Materials not being tradeable). It looks like now that Crafting Materials can be moved around again, a lot of older items are being listed and/or salvaged rather than being turned into mythicals first.

Easing those restrictions has been a common request by traders. For our thoughts on reintroducing playtime drops (a popular request by players), there’s quite a few forum topics/replies discussing it and changes we’ve considered. It’s a frequent topic and I’m sure we’ll discuss it again sometime once we’re back to work in 2025.

I know how to read market sale history that’s what I’m talking about

What about scrap holders their inventory will be crashed

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