It would be something like Metro 2033’s menu,if you put the click on one of the…Things(TV,map,etc),they move or a light goes on
Or like another game i dont remember the name,where if you choose for example, the configurations menu,the camera and the character moves to a radio or something like that,and if you go back,the player would go back to a chair and you have a view of the room or shelter where you are.
And if you select play,the character would walk next to a door and something like that.
If you put the click over the TV in the menu in 2033,what happends? It turns On right?
Or if you put the click in the door? The guys open it,right?
that’s what i mean when i say Dynamic menus,not just clicking Options(For example) and only the camera will move to the radio
and the other part would be like @anon24515308 says,the player model moving around