I know there are a lot of suggestion like this but none recently.
I think mechanic shops should have a massive overhaul in 2, not only should they be bigger and layed out in different ways. Being a mechanic should be a valued skill, vehicles should have diffent customisable parts, these would be basic core components; Engine
Engine block, core of your engine
Pistons, required for engines.
Crankshaft,for engines with pistons.
Gears, for many crafting things.
Curborator, if damaged leads to backfiring and poor A/F ratio
Timing components, all the timing stuff.
Radiator, can break easyly from front impacts, can drive with while broken but other parts will break.
Battery, battery
Wiring and electrics, used for many things.
Pipes; basic components
Air filter; keeps your engine healthy
Gearbox; poor shifting if damaged
Each part can be damaged from impacts and will ware out over time. Mechanics will be important if you want your car to run for a long time.
Body panels
Car body should crumple and some should fall off, replacements can be found and old parts replaced, the panles can have armor put on them aswell as things like nudge bars, spotlights, spoilers and paints. Body panles and cars will be visible dirty and rusted when found.
Suspention is being added, but it should be changeable aswell as brakes.
Wheels will also be changeable.
Driveshafts and fuel tanks though should be damage able parts and instead of the car exploding when its engine breaks, it should rarly explode if the fuel tank is damaged. Last words
There should be no more envoriment editor cars that are just part of the environment, all cars should be repairable unless truly destroyed.
While I love this idea, I would like to say that the precise customization of vehicles should be optional in terms of using said vehicles. Not everyone is a mechanic in real life, and not everyone will want to spend a while debugging their damaged car and trying to repair it in such a precise way.
To circumvent this issue, having skills related to repairing cars in-game should just automatically tell you what’s damaged and what needs to be replaced depending on your skill level, and having the part should allow you to replace it. However, if you know what each part does then that would allow for that customization of your vehicle.
But I do like the idea of dynamic, complex vehicles! They’d add a lot of depth to the game in a really nice way.
Also the title of your post is a little vague and doesn’t really say what the topic of the post is besides cars and engines, rather than dynamic component-based vehicles.
i think is just too complex. maybe the body panels are a bit too much and i think the engine parts should be only half of them so instead of having 12 we will have 6:
Engine Block
Wiring and things (and batterys)
and pipes
the suspention things is too much, but i agree the thing of switching brakes and wheels.
but switchable fuel tanks maybe too much