Easy craft bombs

I’m not a terrorist, but making a bomb isn’t that hard. All you need is some explosive gas and a fuse.
I propose a propane tank bomb, crafted with wire and a propane tank with some other ingredients.
A pipe bomb, I don’t know how this is made, get a pipe I guess and some boom.
Deodorant bomb, crafted with a firecracker and a can with tape. Explodes like a Molotov cocktail, but with metal shrapnel.
Also on a side note, deodorant should be a thing, it masks your smell of sweat on a hot day making zombies less attracted to you.

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A pipe bomb is really easy to make, you just need a pipe, some gun/flash powder and something to seal and light the thing, really easy to make.

Huston, we have liftoff

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But how easy should explosives be to craft? not the ones that you use to raid but the ones that you use against the turned and players, I dont wannt unturned to become some grenade/mine simulator but it would be nice if they would be easyer to craft and acctualy being worth making and using

Pretty easy. They ar balanced in them selves that they don’t have a large blast range.

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