Effect of the helmet

Hello everybody! All know the Kingdom Come Deliverance or Metro game?
What’s about a mask effect?
For example I wear the diving mask and I will see next:

(Photoshop for 3.0, but idea for 4.0 )
Same thing we can see in KCD(kingdom come deliverance)
Or in game series Metro
What do you think about that?
I guess that will made serious negative effect if you wear SAS armor. That’s will create balance

Ghillie Hood experience :wink:


That was unturned 3.0 where is players can’t hide in grass (I always saw players with ghillie hood, or who s Trying hide in Berrie bushes)
Real ghillie experience something like a hood or a terrorist mask, but better that hqdefault (1)

Is that…

the UI from!


LOOOOOOOOOOL the first example is the best!!!

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