well they can discuss it all friday, after they find out about the actual map features, cause trust me it’ll be funnier then
Alright according to Danaby’s comments in the trailer. The map is based of off Eastern European countries, Its Medium sized and We are getting AROUND 20 GUNS.
And there will be quests, and NPCs also the tower falling is probably quest related.
Seriously I think if Nelson wants to make an Exotic map then he should make a large scale one of India. I have seen that country. It is mind blowing. You will feel that you are travelling to a new country when you go in India’s different states. It has a very different architecture and transport system. So it will be great
True, but id rather have it be an island based on India rather than the entire country. But i would rather have it focus on the aspects of the peninsular region rather than its entirety. Cos the north is dull and dry and there nothing much except farmland.
Tester here, seriously guys why speculate on the location… so much other cool stuff! I made another trailer that debunks most of the ideas thrown in here but I cant release it until friday.
Guys i have updated the main text with new info and i removed all my speculations.
Called that shit
Danaby said that the map wasn’t based on any location
I should probably clarify that while the map isn’t based off a single country, it does take inspiration from many (as stated in the previous reply to the thread)
dont forget japan
Have you been to India???
Cause literally if you are North there are mountains, go west there is desert, go east there are the hills, and in North-central part are the plains and rivers.
spend 10 minutes on studying India’s Geography and landmarks, You will understand.
i live in india
really , me too
its so surprising to see other indians also playing unturned
How is the map already out?
It went public a little sooner so server owners can set up servers.
The map seems fairly interesting and it’d be neat to have future maps do a similar kind of thing. All the overrides kind of fit in with the gameplay and don’t stick out like what we had with Candyland in the past where crafting regular items was somewhat awkward at times.
My only complaint is that the game crashed and the map no longer works for me so I’ll see if redownloading it will fix that issue.
it is not opening dude i tried everything
i unsubbed all workshp items execpt the elver and its assets
redownloaded the game thrice it dont works
Go to Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\304930 and make sure that the only thing in there is the map, sometimes there are mods that just refuse to get deleted.