Erm... I dont think this is supposed to happen @-@

Just something I noticed while working on my map :confused:
btw this is the metal mannequin object, placed int he lvl editor…

Just showing an obvious bug xd

It’s like that for waaaaay too long to be fixed

darn… that sucks

Why does that suck? :thinking: Why do you need a metal mannequin barricade anyways?

was just trying to make the base look like players had lived in it :confused:

You still can though? I don’t see why this is stopping you from placing the metal mannequin, unless you just don’t like the t-pose.

no, its just showing that… instead of the mannequin

Have you gone in-game and looked at it yet?

Mannequins are literally just the player model. The texture is applied after because it’s basically just applying a skin color tone. It is perfectly fine.

oh… lol sorry didnt realise xd

Wait, in-game barricade mannequins apply your character’s skin tone?

No. In-game barricades apply their own skin tone, because they’re just player models.

Did you just… spawn Nelson himself?
We cracked the code, boys!

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You clearly don’t know what Nelson looks like, this is the actual canadian wizard :wink: