
Inspired by rimworld to make this topic i go talk about events to increase and diversify aspects of survival.

rimworld its a game in 2D with objective of retur to sideral space your colony, but during the game have things called events. pests, raids, rain, snow, hot wave i think in add this things in unturned 4.0.

Solar wave and Cold Wave
(anormal) time 24 - 72 hours (in game)
Go decrease or increase the temperature drastically a long time in this sircunstances cause death. to protect need search a roof or a opost place at temperature
Full Moon

Increase zombies power and spawn percentage


create mist turning impossible view long distances


Start rain decrease temperature and reduce friction on roads and increase in dirt - sand and others materials for a time.


A type of ia passing in server killing most peoples possible (Inspiration helicopter in rust).


A airplane eqquipet with defensive things lance a box with itens.

Toxic preciptation rain toxic

(extremaly rare)
Create a “toxic rain” infecting exponencialy how more time you remains on rain. kill animals, gardens and trees


Premedited or consequence of cold wave
Decrease temperature, create mist and reduce atrict in roads, rain snow!

Solar flare

Extremaly rare
Work like a emp invade eletric circuits (exeption defensive circuits)

Well this is the “ideas”

For some reason I don’t think these are “events.”
(Wouldn’t it be great if everyone spoke a common language?)

As a fellow RimWorld player I do see what he’s trying to say, but his explanation translated rather poorly (as usual). RimWorld is a very event-based game, and uses an AI storyteller to make your playthrough very, very interesting. All of these in the game (aside from the weather) are technically “events”, but I do see your confusion. He’s also thrown in some events from 3.0 (and Rust?) as well.

Most of the events in RimWorld are very unfitting for Unturned II (like solar flares and “raids” from unknown sources). It’s literally a space colony sim that plays like a top-down survival game, but that’s where the parallels end.


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