Okay, so unlike my other posts, this is something I haven’t really seen done in a game (not really, at least). It’s kind of odd, so I can see why.
People have two eyes. Yeah, I know, no kidding. But the brain interprets them strangely. It kind of mushes the images from both into one, which can produce some odd side effects. One of these side effects is typically used when looking through non-magnified optics or iron sights - people look through the sight with one eye, and with the other look over or beside the sight, and it kind of blurs everything but the front sight (which the shooter focuses on). Or something like that. My left eye is complete trash, I can’t test this myself.
Basically the idea is, what if players had the option to simulate this effect? Most games haven’t done this because it’s kind of difficult to make certain parts of a model transparent and others not, but since Unturned’s guns are split into several different models, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. It would just be giving all of the viewmodel except the front sight (or reticle in the case of collimators) some transparency. Maybe throw in an effect like this to make it look a bit better:
As a setting, this could be interesting, as something that would be changed on the fly, it seems a bit too complex.
i don’t see how it’s complex at all, but i definitely meant as a setting. i was thinking more along the lines of people might not like the look of it or just wouldn’t be used to that sort of thing.
didn’t even think of that. that’d be a neat way to simulate getting grass out of your goddamned face so you can actually take a shot.
Isn’t your idea about adding “Focus”?
Like when you aim at something, the surrounding objects that aren’t the same distance as your target will get blurred?
If so, then Payday 2 has that, and so does GTA V as well as Insugrency
It’s better known as depth of field (DOP for short), and yes, this is part of multiple games, but I don’t think that is what the post apart, but then again I can’t really understand OP’s post. It’s a bit confusing tbh.
It would just be giving all of the viewmodel except the front sight (or reticle in the case of collimators) some transparency.
Basically when aiming most of the viewmodel becomes see-through to simulate how your brain sort of ignores the weapon when you aim with both your eyes open (kind of like it ignores your nose).
Keep both eyes open, hold one finger very close to one of your eyes. Notice how you can see past your finger, but can also see that it’s there? That’s what he’s describing.
Ah I see. I’m thinking that the option could be toggled with the middle mouse button, since it would be annoying to have to move your hand to the keyboard/move the hand that was on WASD to another key.
Or it could just be a setting, since having a see through gun or not wouldn’t provide enough difference for the needless complexity of having two different ADS buttons.
First, if you’re going to be gaming you shouldn’t be using a trackpad, but I get it, not everyone has that choice. But for the majority of Unturned players, a mouse would be the tool that they use. And who says that laptop users can’t bind it to a different key?
I literally said that you can bind it to another key. Anyways, the majority of serious players will use a mouse, because, if you’re using a trackpad you shouldn’t expect anything above a K/D of 0.000001.