Favorite YouTubers


“@ black mesa!!! #resonancecascade #helpme #aliens #crazy

Peak normie

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Some (not all) of my favorites:

For general funny: Sovietwomble, A Jolly Wangcore, Salty Phish, Bokoen1, UpIsNotJump, RussianBadger, JonTron

More “informational”: Corridor Crew/Corridor, Forgotten Weapons, VNN, RipNtear Gaming, Michael Reeves (definitely informational i swear), The Exploring Series, slicedlime, potential history

Definitely a couple more that I watch often but either my favorites or ones I watch that often. Honorable mentions are some members of the SFM/Gmod community include MechaFourth, Antoine Delak, Kostamoinen, and some others. Another mention is Bruva Alfabusa and Astartes of the Warhammer 40k community, both for making great content.

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I’ve actually been on two of Bokoen’s streams. @tehswordninja

(Both vids related)
The first one, I was invited to play as Australia. Early on I triggered Dressel hard and got regular, but sadly that clip is lost to time.

The second time I played as South Africa, I wasn’t feeling well 2/3rds of the way through the stream and I had to leave.


SPECULATION: VNN is a good channel
i have a source at valve that confirms this

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I watched a few of Dovahhatty’s vids and he’s now my favorite youtuber
technoblade because he’s cool
french tomahawk because fallout 4
sethbling because minceraft
howtobasic because yes

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i don’t really have a favorite but i always watch PewDiePie’s new videos also, Daily Dose Of Internet and anything that youtube recommends me including news about games, memes, music and a lot of weird shit :>

I know I am repeating myself yet again, but eh

shout outs to @Union

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