Field Knife

My first post here. :flushed:

Unturned 3.0 gave us the military knife, generic looking, boring and functionally identical to some weapons already in the game, melee weapon.

I think Unturned II could have a more specific melee weapon, referred to as Field Knife or Survival Knife.
It could be based on something such as beatiful Glock 81.


Aside from obvious function as a melee weapon the Field Knife could have other features such as
saw-teeth, which could be convieniently located on the rear of the blade itself

That could allow the blade to be used to create kindling or cut other things which would be too hard for normal knife.

Other noteworthy feature of the knife would be the

bottle opener. Absolute must have on military grade knife.


That’s not a knife…

Now, this is a knife!

  • Made by a guy who spent years street fighting in Shanghai just to develop his knife technique and develop a knife for fighting.

  • Perfectly balanced for throwing and can stab through the thickest of clothing.

  • Most effective fighting knife in all of history, the



Isn’t that considered a Dagger?

Essentially, you’re suggesting that certain knives can be used in crafting? Don’t see why not.


Wow really good model, love it!

If we’re going to have a knives with extra crafting functions, I’d say it should be given to Swiss army knives and other folding multi tools, over survival knives that look like generic military knives.


The Military Knife is bland, but

is true for a vast majority of the melee weapons. Although the knife is cool, the ability to make kindling or “cut other things” should really be available to more items in general. This still just feels like a “generic military knife.”

Which I’m fine with. It adds a melee weapon to military locations, and one that’s potentially useful, but it’s not any less generic unless Nelson goes the 3.0 route of having very few tools for crafting (which would be unfortunate).

Given that this is technically a bayonet knife, I think go that route for U4’s “military knife” if you want something more unique. Bottle opening seems like too minor of a mechanic to potentially see implementation, so it’s really just got “crafting stuff” going for it.

To clarify since it was offhandedly mentioned:

Posts go missing when they’re derailments. For example, a majority (i.e., 10 out of 16 posts) of the thread becomes about the name of a gun on a thread about a knife. When clearing out derailments, some initial posts might’ve not been removed either for still contributing to the original discussion, or for context (albeit being a bit off-topic).

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It’s just a knife, really. A reskinned, renamed military knife

How about giving every knife the ability to serve as a tool for cutting-related crafting recipes?


Better knives could possibly be set up to cut thicker materials or if crafting times are ever involved in anything a sharper knife could cut faster.

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