Fire Mode selection idea

Ok,i was there doing nothing at 2 am(Had no electricity) and this idea got into my head

its something like the multiple interaction options from the Firing range Demo,where you can use the mouse wheel to choose between the actions,but instead of actions,it would be for the fire mode and to make it feel not so simple,instead of the mini image of a button with an “F” for the firemode it could be the selector with a “V” on it,something like this


I know, the image seems very badly edited,but that was what i could do with paint…

What do you think of this,guys?


That would be pretty cool, but it could also be kind of eeh if it was the only option. I think if it was made so when you tap “V”, it would switch the fire mode like it does in 3.x and if you held it down for a little bit, it would open up the little selection like you suggested

sure,but i was thinking about this to give it another use to the mouse wheel,and also to be faster and dont select the wrong fire mode when you are in the middle of a shooting because you pressed V on more time than it was and get you killed because it was on safety(happened me a lot of time).
Also it would do a top when you choose the fire mode in the top and not doing a circle that would make you select the wrong fire mode again(like happends in 3.0 because you cant choose the fire mode manually,its just a circle like when you press “V” safety>semi>auto>safety>semi>auto

I think the best suggestion I’ve seen for firemodes was tapping the firemode button to cycle through them, and holding it down to skip directly to safety.

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