Hello. Ever since I started playing Unturned I have stuck to First person and vehicle third person servers. I am hoping that first person only servers or vehicle third person servers will be a thing in 4.0. More specifically, will there be an option for the server owner to make the server first person only.
Third person is only really bad because it creates defenders advantage and makes pvp campy, because who ever peeks first is the one who is in danger. iirc freelooking is planned for third person, so I think it will be even campier in 4.
Thank god. I wouldn’t even mind really if you could access third person, like maybe if nelson made it so it didn’t have a crosshair. There are some benefits of third person, but In 3.0, the negatives outweigh the benefits (Negatives being that there is reduced recoil and everyone camps behind trees)
Even if third person isn’t included in the base game, it would still be possible through mods. My primary concern is that official servers be first person only.