Forum Inspiration

So what’s the difference from this forum and that forum

Besides everyone on the forum looking like a true cucklord, I see no difference


It’s design is far better.

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the overall design and little effects here & there make it way prettier and intuitive.

It’s not the same as SDG forums.

Please don’t be toxic about it, btw.
More players than with Unturned, I believe.

And I know this is a necro but I’m back on the forums so why not.

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Another good forum is, where it lets you see online users, download community content, and get banned by crappy admins.

And it has a chatbox

Bro you soòö rude

Jesus, you could’ve just said my post was shit instead of flagging it lmao

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Please don’t be so… Strong, I guess?
I don’t know how to put it nicely.


i dont even know how to be strong

i just called your forum shit

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You were being extremely rude.


It’s just common sense that you don’t straight up trashtalk about someone’s post if you don’t like it. Have a formal discussion or just ignore it.

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I didn’t trash-talk his post

I trash-talked his forum

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While I agree that pest was specifically referring to the other forum, the netiquette policy is still a standard for any communication.

Let’s refrain from solely posting derogatives as the only back-and-forth discussion regarding the topic / other forum.


The first and last things were both considered at one point, but reconsideration is not likely in the near-future (each for separate reasons, but nothing that entirely ruled them out).

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Personally, the SDG forums just have a bland feeling, if you removed the text and replaced them with blank spaces, it’d be nigh impossible to identify the forum.

OSU! Forum also has all those little effects like when you select a topic page and the arrow shows up, minute details like that.

Also, please, please don’t do things like claim groups of people are pedophiles without any real justification. As someone who likes to talk with some of my friends in the community, I can say that they’re not pedos, don’t claim they are, please.
It’s just messed up (the way you’re acting), especially for a regular.

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If you want a more design-heavy theme, you might consider using Vincent II for the more extensive changes to the site it has. There’s a couple fixes for the Vincent II theme coming with the next forum update.

As far as the osu! forum goes, the forum software was custom-built specifically for all the needs of osu!, including its forum, wiki, main website, etc…, which I believe is in part due to the design philosophy of the creator.


Ooo! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m guessing this isn’t really custom-designed.
Still would be nice, I guess.

I still consider it to be the most well-designed forum I’ve seen, do you agree orr?

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What do you mean “especially for a regular”? Regular role is just granted if you’re an active member of the forum (as the name suggests). I myself was a regular for a while. Many people on here act like this makes them an authority figure of some kind, which it doesn’t (unless you consider being able to recatagorize posts and edit post titles gives you “authority”).

To me @Pesticide is honest, frank and forthright about his opinions, not afraid to say what he really thinks even if it comes off as “rude”, and never acts in a haughty or superior way because of his Regular role. For this I respect him way more than all of the c-mods and widely respected community members honestly


nothing scares me like k-pop stans.

not even 9-year olds with assault rifles.

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Yeah but being “honest” and offensive are two different things.
Saying “Jimmy is annoying” is different from saying
"Jimmy’s a fat bald bastard, piece of subhuman trash, 2000 years of human evolution for this human tra-

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First of all, can you please not use ‘Gay’ as an adjective please. People can be sensitive about that.

Second of all, @Optamistic, being critical does sound offensive most of the time, but that’s usually not their purpose.
But yes, @Pesticide should’ve used other words to describe the forum, since they actually were offensive.

But if you keep argueing about this, people will only get more angry and stressed out. So I’m asking you all to please stop making beef. Thanks in advance.