Full moding support including UE4 BP scripting

it would be nice to be able to mod completely new game modes into unturned, this would require scripting of some kind. using unreal 4.X’s blueprint system to create scripts and run them in unturned would be a blessing to moders, the community and unturned its self.

Already possible & planned for 4. Any feature that isn’t moddable has been reworked or scrapped. BP scripting has been a big thing pushed since the first few posts regarding 4.

tl;dr: it’s already all good, fam :+1:


Thank you for informing me MoltonMontro! can’t wait to start moding

Molton, you legit trigger me when you say “4” and not “4.x” or “4.0” xD


He’s not one of us!


If it means that the necessary skills to make a not vanilla server increase and increases the quality of the servers, sign me up!

TTT in unturned!

I have made a thread with all information I could gather about modding.
With Unturned 4.x, you should be able to make your own gamemode.

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