I’ve seen this on the Official Unturned Discord and like to suggest something with it.
Now we all know how annoying it is to get The id of everything that we want, and of course I thought there should be a better and faster way. A system similar to G-mods System but differently. I think there should be a shortcut button that allows you to open the menu where there will sections such as maybe, Vanilla, Curated, and Workshop and each with like tabs such as weapons or vehicles etc. The only way to access the shortcut would be to OP on the server/ Single player, and if it’s rocket mod, maybe make it also be compatible with that. This would actually make it less Time consuming.
An actual item browser would be nice, but the ID option should still be available for no-lifes like me who actually memorize every single ID one by one
Just so you know, Rocket is only compatible with U3 and won’t be coming to UII for a variety of reasons, primarily the jump from .NET to C++.
I hate searching for ids, would make it easier for spawning In vehicles even some random things, just a menu with everything, ofcourse maybe he can make it where it’s available to everyone to see what mods and things there is but yea I figured rocket wouldn’t be there. Actually if something like rocket is created maybe it could be possible to use a command to give it to them or have perms or such thing a like that
As I’ve said, as long as both a browser and the ID method are available, I think everyone would be satisfied.
The ID method definitely has huge upsides of its own (just looking back at U3), like being far easier to configure for various applications since all you have to do is simply enter the ID into a field in most circumstances. It may be less accessible for players utilizing cheats, but do keep in mind that spawning items with commands is far from the only reason that IDs exist.
There should always be an ID system in the game instead of throwing it out, since it’s needed for so many things other than spawning stuff in. But yeah @give Maplestrike should work as well.
I think we should have both an ID system as well as an Item browser. I am sure when they make Unturned II, the ID’s will be less confusing; for example hopefully ID1-100 will be structures, 100-150 will be weapons, etc