Grand Vote | Should skills return in Unturned II?

Unturned II: Do you want skills to return?

I'm am very sorry that this is another skills related thread. However I wanted to gain statistics that represents the community's thoughts on this topic.

To specify what I mean by “skills” since it can be easily misinterpretted I will explain in further detail.

Do you want Unturned’s skill system to return in Unturned II in the same fashion it was presented initally.
(The classic skill tree and EXP system)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Thank you friends.

You should put a third option:

A totally brand new skills system

Total absence of skills leaves the game uncomplete IMO, since there has been skills since 2.x and these would balance the pacing if properly applied. Skills system used in 3.x is mere scrap though.


This is a poll strictly concerning the 3.x style skill system.
I already know that a large portion of the community wants to tweak/rework the system since its literally in every single post regarding the skill system.

Sorry if that came off as rude but, its a fact.

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No worries. In fact, I’d rather suggest anybody who votes “yes” to stop abusing berries :slight_smile:


Well at least AnimaticFreak is still memeing

This is supposed to be a serious frame of reference, I would appreciate if voters are actually honest here.
I intend for this poll to be a reference of who actually liked the 3.x system and who didn’t.

So whenever people say “Only (amount of community) liked the 3.x system” they can back it up with this as evidence.

May I perhaps get @Reaver or @SDGNelson here to make this more official please, if they deem it worthy of course.

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Was gonna say something about you pinging Nelson, but whatevs

You just did though.

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The current system is unbalanced as all hell so it’s a definite no.

This is a poll, not a discussion thread.
Theres a difference.

This is a forum. Every thread is a discussion thread.


I would like the game to base more on your equipment in-game and real life skill,rather than grinding in-game exp.

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Yeah, some people do make sense when it comes to making a 3rd option that talks about a new skill system because as of now, it’s just a bit too general. Because the title kinda throws people off at first, like it did on me. Cuz at first I thought it was “Do we want skills at all in Unturned II or not”, but then after reading, you explained what you meant by “skills”. Just so we’re all on the same page

I don’t know how I could make this official…? :thinking:




What’s the difference?

The reason why I’d not like that is because Sexton is trying to enhance realism, and IRL a pair of gloves won’t magically make you a better sniper, and some Adidas shoes wouldn’t turn you into Usain Bolt either, lmao.

Also, having a skills system opens a possibility to perform more actions, better and faster over time, improving gameplay and somewhat balancing the pace on which players progress on it, if it’s properly applied of course. This also means that players won’t be limited by default mechanics, which sooner or later could be analyzed, predicted and later on exploited in either good (fairly useful) or bad (unrealistically overpowered) manners.

Games on which improving your stats relies totally on equipment doesn’t leave that much space for IRL player skill, and even less if mechanics aren’t polished or malleable enough.

it does work sorta, would you go faster barefoot on concrete or would you go faster with tennis shoes.

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Equipment may always be helpful for stats, but relying on it for every single available improvement is not that much of realistic.

And by the way, just to point out (and maybe proving my point a bit more): someone could actually walk barefooted the time enough to get used to it and run as fast as someone with shoes over concrete (I kinda did this experiment myself in some time of my life, lol).

True true lol

A way we could easily balance this is by making skill improvement based on the actions you do.E.g.:Shoot and kill–>Upgrade your sharpshooter skill.

This would be more balanced and realistic.After all,chopping down a whole forest wouldn’t make you run faster(3.0).