Great lets make a review

I hate you all

So what are we reviewing today…
A Fandom?
A Videogame?

if you picked fandom your damn right.
So were reviewing Fandoms of Reddit
Whippe Here we GO! MARIO TIME!!
I’m only pickin out fandoms because i cant think of any terrible movies or ideas

(no hate directed towards any of subreddits)


If your dick is long and ready to whip well come on over here son because this is true cancer. Already i wanna Die from the tab name alone
So with this Cancerous name, you’ll expect some nsfw here hence why i called for yer dick. In actuality, its not bad, its just anime. moving on since theirs nothing interesting here


its already cancer by its name alone. Once you enter the subreddit, your greeted with a beautiful background of animals in clothes. cant you tell the sarcasm. scrolling down, you just getting this feeling of dread and feeling awful. People dressed in Animal fur suits, but I’ve noticed this with a lot of furries, they exceed in art. I mean, fookin hell, they’re art skills awesome.

You know i’m just over-exaggerating thing’s because i’m a 14 year old who take things over the top most of the time. please, both fandoms aren’t necessarily bad, its just my 14 year old self over exaggerating it.

Last one, R/ThatBendyWindow

The name says it, its just a subreddit for bendy windows.

Nothings wrong with i just thought to include it

I probably tarnished my reputation with this

when you said you were gonna review stuff I thought you meant proper well thought out analytical reviews of movies and stuff. not this random shit.
Is it to late to change my vote to no?


^ agreed

MEME :clap: REVIEW :clap:


I felt lazy soo…

idk, to please the people i’ll just make another when i get home

Mfw I voted no from the get go:


My IQ is too low to get this joke.


Evidence that pesky doesnt care about ze vote!!!1!!!1!! /S

Maybe theirs another reason,

maybe its because i’m the Grinch bois
Ha, Rekt

Kris KingFrog and his screaming child ain’t got nothing on me

eughh I feel like such dad righ tnow


what a fucking nerd



my heart is 2 sizes 2 small
hence why i did capital letter

ya know what i love about the Christmas season

I get to act like an asshole because i’m the Gronch

Keep a shotgun near your tree cause i’m making swift move to steal it


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