Guns, Magazines and Ammo Crates no longer spawn fully loaded on Easy by default

If playing on Easy with the default “Item” settings, guns, magazines and ammo crates spawn with random amount of bullets like on Normal difficulty.

This definitely was a thing where guns and mags always spawned full on Easy.

I think when Nelson added durability options for different item types he also made guns and mags that spawn on Easy to have random amount of bullets with only a chance for them to be full like on Normal

This is controlled by the Magazine_Bullets_Full_Chance difficulty settings. It’s been a 10% chance on Easy (5% for Normal, 2.5% on Hard) for quite a while – at least since 2016. I’m not sure this ever had a 100% chance for Easy.

You can definitely customize your difficulty settings to make it guaranteed though. :slight_smile:

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