Hello there,
Just thought of this while reading some suggestions on Discord while playing Borderlands.
Everyone is asking for more so I suppose people think that there is not enough guns, but I’m part of those who think there is already enough guns added to the game so, how about a stat system with a randomizer ?
Let me explain :
Imagine we have a standard Zubeknakov, it’s nice, shiny and all, but it’s only able to deal 40 damage and isn’t very accurate. So basically the stats are the following :
STAT#1 Damage 24~44 (I’m using the 0,6 leg-arms and the 1.1 head damage multiplier)
STAT#2 Accuracy 60%
STAT#3 Fire Rate 2 (It’s just a random number for the example)
STAT#4 Recoil 0.2 (Let’s say 1 is going to make you look at the sky after one shot, so since the fire rate is
pretty high, the gun recoil is bigger)
STAT#5 Recoil Multiplier (If in safety) 0 (If in single shot) 0.5 (If in Burst) 1,1 (If in Auto) 1.5
STAT#6 Weight 3kg (The heavier it is, the slower you’ll walk while holding it and the more time it will take to
scope, because you can aim faster with a gun than an assault rifle)
So we got all those 6 stats, for the standard Zubeknakov, now imagine you like to play more as a sharpshooter dood waiting in a bush to kill all these idiots wanting to loot your little military base full of freshly spawned turneds, you would rather have a Zubeknakov whit those stats :
STAT#1 Damage 21~39
STAT#2 Accuracy 85%
STAT#3 Fire Rate 1
STAT#4 Recoil 0.15
STAT#5 Recoil Multiplier 0 ~ 0.5 ~ 1,1 ~ 1.5
STAT#6 Weight 3,5kg
As you can see, this one does a lot less damage but is more accurate with a reduced fire rate implying less recoil, but since it’s the same weapon, we are keeping the recoil multiplier, but the weight is more important since a more accurate gun implies that this Zubeknakov has a slightly longer barrel that minimizes the damage of the bullet (explaining why there is lower damages) and less recoil implies that the weight of the gun is slightly higher.
Now imagine that you have one gun variety for each kind of gameplay, we covered the balanced and the sharpshooter ones, but you could also create one for the players who like to rush, with less accuracy and a bigger fire rate or one focusing on how many bullets are shots with a bigger fire rate, a slightly bigger recoil but a lighter weapon, any weapons you want as long as it’s balanced.
The only drawback I can think of is that it’ll need more guns 3D model with some slight changes for each type of gun
Also, with a randomizer system like this you could be able to find the type of gun you want to play with, but that implies that you also couldn’t find it, since there would be many types for one gun, the type you’re looking for could spawn when you’re looting but it’s not 100% guarantee.
Just to point out the fact that a system like this one could probably fulfill the PvP player expectation without adding any more gun that would totally ruin the survival aspect.
Just tell me what you think about it and don’t start judging my writing like in my previous post x)
Anyway, thanks for reading !