ok, so this is a very hard-to-do thing that will be mostly estethic.
there should be a chance in gun shops, houses and militarized zones to find a non-complete gun or its components, and basically you can make yourself your own custom gun the components to assemble for making it work will split in:
barrel (both the barrel and the handguard)
grip (both the grip, the receiver, the trigger and the internals)
stock (both the stock and the gas plug)
the position of the gas plug will vary from gun to gun, also there should be various types of components for each platform (one is legendary):
the AUG should have the AUG-A1, AUG A2, AUG A3 and the AUG-LMG as a legendary
the m4 should have the M4A1, M16A3, MK18 (yes it is based on the m4 platform) and the LVOA from warsport as a legendary
Gun parts are already listed for development in 4.0
Weapon rarities shouldn’t affect the type of weapon it is (variations).
didn’t know, sorry
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