Having the ability to hide your name when hovered over would be a great feature

A good way to kind of balance this would be to have a lot of character customization and therefore people would say something like hey that tall , fat , bearded guy with a scar on his face did that not me , i mean if you dont see them then you cant quite do this but it is something

This is wrong on so many levels. It should not, but it can.
I just relaized we were derialing quite hard. Imma end this here.

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yeah i’m like looking at this and just sitting here with a blank face unsure of what to respond with

Back on topic,

I feel like this idea fits within unturned however, there definitely should be a way to see someones name, there shouldn’t be 100% anonymous-ness.

Edit: is this how you quote?

Agree with his statement.
Also to quote you just highlight the passage you want to quote and click on “quote”.
Like this.

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It cannot. People who say that they are “innocent” are lying.

Oh my sweet summer child…
Also, stop derailing.


My point still stands. You are telling me not to “derail” but what is that comment for then?

stop derailing


Its not derailing if one of your only arguements is against “hackers”

Not how this works my dude, at all.

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