So essentially, whenever I create a reply or topic, I only receive one heart in my notifications section. However, when I manually check the reply or topic, I have received more hearts than what my notifications state.
For example, I created the “Snetty Gun” topic in memes, and only received one heart notification for it.
But when checking the topic manually, I have received five hearts for it.
I do not leave the site open on any computer or phone, and I always leave the notification option as “Watching.” This issue has occurred recently and I would appreciate if anyone knew what was going on. Many thanks in advance.
Oh, thank you for clearing that up, I just remember a while ago it would spam up the notification inbox and I was just curious as to where it went. Thank you once again Moltonprime.
It’s also worth noting that if a certain post of yours has been inactive for a while and say, 2 weeks down the line someone new is looking through the forums and likes that post again, you will get another notification.