Help converting Materials.unity3d into masterbundle

I’ve been following the guide but I’m totally lost on the prefix part. I do not have access to the old Unity project. What do I write for the prefix part in the MasterBundle.dat? And how do I go about adding new custom materials?

When I ctrl+F the old unity3d I get these paths for my 8 old custom textures:
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/dirt.png
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/farm.png
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/grass.png
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/gravel.png
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/road.png
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/sand.png
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/snow.png
assets/data/assetbundles/materials details roads/materials/stone.png

you need access to the textures otherwise the masterbundle won’t have access.

the prefix tells the game where your masterbundle starts within a unity project
so you would put in Assets/[your master bundle] and then anything past that is put in the path section of the asset you create for your individual materials

then you just make sure that your bundles in your map is set up the same as your unity project.

Here’s how one of my materials is set up

so for the path you would put in the path within your masterbundle to the texture you’re trying to use, and in the Name section you put in the name of your masterbundle.

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