[HELP][MAPPING]Small City Map

I’ve been working on an all city type of map, so far it’s 40 blocks of nothing but city in a small map. Its a huge project for such a small size. I have all the buildings layed out and a few weapon spawns but there’s tons and tons of spawns to place and decorating to do. So i figured i’d post what ive accomplished so far and let the community take over whats left. Maybe one day i’ll finish it but as of late i’ve been super busy and i’d hate to see whats been done go to waste. I think this map fills an important void adding a scenario of you being inside a dense city when quarantine walls are placed around the city center. Please let me know what you think! Mods included in the map.rar
FFFbuildings and G2M large structures is all thats added i beleive.

https://puu.sh/yQcer/0c16dc16b3.rar Link for map

This has potential to become a really good map, maybe make an NYC map or something, my advice as it stands as of now though, please do not layer apartments over each other. It really fucks with the gameplay, zombies will have a tougher time getting up to the higher areas along with players. Also, try to make the entire area feel more urban- remove all the grass and replace it with road, maybe gravel, stuff like that.

(One more thing, I see a collapsed apartment with scaled debris, that just looks silly.)

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Thanks for the feedback! Any ideas on how to make better sky scrapers or know of any mods that has alternatives?

Spy’s Better Living

Don’t use Fiffe’s Objects, their hitboxes are messed up and they generally don’t look right


yeah, many of the textures in that pack are missing aswell, as far as I can remember

oh wait, its not missing textures, its see through they look transparent.

Recategorized to Workshop.

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