If I place an NPC in the editor, and save and exit, the NPC will just dissapear, any help?
Make sure that it has a unique GUID.
https://www.guidgenerator.com/ for reference, make sure to turn off hyphens.
yeah i did that
continue this on modject pp oo head
what’s that
yes i agree
fard poop shid i thought you were someone else ooga
In that case send a picture of the asset file from the NPC’s character folder
GUID dd7b7ef79eda4ef3bd04f32df9c35294
Type NPC
ID 90009
Shirt 154
Pants 2
Face 0
Hair 2
Color_Skin #d9cab4
Color_Hair #000000
Dialogue 90001
Not sure what’s wrong then. Nothing I can tell is out of the ordinary.
i do have them in a different folder
Make your ID numbers lower. Past like 65000 is when it won’t work.
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