Hey Its me duo

Highlighted words on Duolingo just mean that you can click on them to know what it is. Making dumb assumptions is your problem.

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> Patetiese sterflik, jy dink jy kan my afneem? Valse voël.
I loled. MY afrikaans is bad, but it is close enough to both english and dutch/german that I get the jist of it.

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Then why would the character for “you,” which has been covered already, be highlighted when the character for “good,” was just recently introduced?

(Yes, the characters for hello in Chinese are “you good.”)

just…why man?

That’s rich, coming from you.

Duolingo, why?

326k kidnapped families

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Just going to drop this here, seems related

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We are reaching levels of think that should not even be possible

your smort

Apparently it’s because of refugees attempting to understand the jibber jabber language

Entirely possible

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