Hey kids, post your search history!

To see if it’s stable

Why did you set your pfp to a swastika

Not sure if concerned or just confused.

Imagine having a genuine search history
This post was made by don’t trust the glowies gang


gad dammit

Yeah it’s blatant censorship. Rain can’t take a joke, and no doubt this post will get deleted too.

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You call a blatant insult a joke?

Where have I heard that before?

Oh I know, it’s what every kid says as an excuse for why they were bullying someone.

“it’s was just a joke”

“I didn’t think they would take it seriously”

“They deserved it”

All of you people disgust me. You go and insult someone for their past actions, and what they like.

Then you say it’s a joke when your confronted about it.

This has literally become a trend on the forums.

insult rain because he did some asshole-ish stuff in the past, and because he’s a furry

This is supposed to be a place for civilized discussion. Yet you people have turned it into an exact duplicate of the steam forums.

And before you say “you don’t know what rain did”

I do. But unlike you guys, i try to judge them for the person they are now, rather than who they were.

Prejudice for past actions is the thing that corrupts our world.

People who were accused of rape, even if there was next to no evidence, and was later proven false have their lives ruined.

Why? Because rapists are disgusting people.

But we always trust the “Victims” statement to be true.

People who went to prison for having been at a party with drugs can hardly find jobs.

Why? Because the people who offer them the job judge them for their past.

No matter how much better than a person they are.

People make mistakes, and everyone is different.

Also side note: do you really think that furries are the most disgusting people out there?

Then you haven’t heard of (actual) rapists, pedofiles, murderers, and so much more.

Can we please try to turn the forums back to kind place?

Or are we just going to let it fall chaos.

Sure, some things are unforgivable. But what rain has done is definitely not one of those.

Another side note: even if you can’t forgive rain, for the love of god BE THE BETTER PERSON.


Why hello there, John Locke. I see you and Hobbes had a bit of an argument again.

I used duckduckgo and cleared everything afterwards.

No trace what so ever.



nice. I’d use DDG but its a bit weird.




I love duckduckgo so much! Cant remember the last time I used google.

Wut iz duckduckgo

Just google except it does not track you. You can also change colours and everything.

holy shit that’s an eye-opener

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Sounds fun

You best be kidding


@Aj_Gaming I get that you want to want to be the hero, but making a paragraph basically trying to teach me how to be a good person is totally unnecessary. lol
and yeah, what I said was a joke. I wasn’t walking anything back. If I wanted to be genuinely mean to this kid, I’d go about it totally differently, not some petty f*cking post on the unturned forum, on basically a glorified shitpost thread.

also I never said furries were the worst people? but I’m sorry, saying “there are worse people” is a really stupid argument.
“Hey I murdered someone, but that guy murdered 10 people so you shouldn’t hate me, you should hate him”.
A large percentage of the furry community sexualise animals and cover it up with “it’s anthro so it’s okay”. And I don’t owe anyone to change my stance on that.

also you do not know any extensive personal interactions I’ve had with Rain. So perhaps you shouldn’t assume things before you get the full story. I take it you two have been talking in DMs about this otherwise you wouldn’t have assumed that. So by all means, my DMs are open if you want to discuss this further.


I don’t want to be the hero, just tired of ■■■■■ like you, thank you.

Just like every other community, only a small portion does that.

I haven’t talked to rain in dms. I just see a guy that everyone treats like shit, and I try to stop that. Even if everyine thinks he deserves it.

Also, as said before I know what rain does and has done.

Doesn’t mean everyone has to be rude.

Also, I already had a big debate with someone else, but it got deleted by the mods.

I don’t even know why I try. I want to forums to actually be fucking civil, but nope it’s either shit on rain, or shitpost.

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