Hey kids, post your search history!

Actually this is why I defend rain.

Because it’s pointless to insult him. He isn’t gonna change who he is just because people dislike him and attack him.

Plus, half the time rain posts something, there is an insult towards him, which not only a waste of time and pointless, but it clogs up the forum with people just throwing insults at him.

Plus it might be against community guidelines… So yeah.

I would rather you guys try to explain to rain what he has done wrong rather than just insult him for who he is.

Though you may have tried that already.

But as I said before, if he causes problems on your personal discord or whatever kick him or block him, but don’t fucking attack him in a forum for a game like unturned.

There is so much more everyone could do with the time spent insulting rain for being an ass and a furry


If you explain to rain why he’s wrong he’ll probably be swamped in other replies and forget to come up with a response to yours, or make a rushed response among many other response.
If you shitpost about him he laughs alongside us.
If he feels that you’re harassing him, you’ll be blocked/flagged.

Most of the time rain does read the Constructive responses. Though whether or not he considers them is up in the air.

I don’t have a problem with rain as long as he’s not injecting politics into a topic/response where they don’t belong or being passive-aggressive. I’ve seen less of all of this lately.

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He does read replies, but they tend to pile up on his posts to such an extent that he can’t properly address each one, and may not even get around to replying to them if he doesn’t know how to respond on the first reading.

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If you thought that noone would be interested in one’s information. Even if they have power and reasons to do so. You’d be a fool, because most people are worthy enough for them to do so. But it is best to use something so odd and “secure” just for the placebo.

But I think you’d be safe. :wink:

I wasn’t intending for this post to become about me, but ok…

This happens 90% of the time. Too many people bash on me and I dont have the time, patience, or right thought of mind to reply to all of them. I’m just a human.

I try to take it as a joke, but some of the content is… I dont wanna bother

If someone ever feels that they’re personally being harassed they should have every right as an individual to report/block/flag their content.

This is why I’m very upset on Discourse’s (The website we’re using) decision to have the “block” option only last a certain amount of time, as some people have time and time again throughout the years done nothing but shit on me anywhere I go or speak me mind.

I read almost all responses given to me, even the people I’ve blocked just in case they have a sliver of something positive to say - constructive feedback. Otherwise… like most people… if they dont think it’s constructive to the topic, they will ignore it.

I think that in most cases, your opinion on a subject will boil down to your political views, since politics is about power, how its used, and who has it. Talking about things like birds and hunting clearly wouldn’t have any political implications.

However, things like Official Servers abuse (abuse derived from power), or if a EULA should be put in place to stop capitalists from exploiting the game (because they have the power to) is most definitely going to be common place for political discussion, and peoples opinion on the topic will 100% be driven by their political views. I dont particularly like to bring up politics, but when I think its necessary, it should.

I really dont mean to be passive aggressive. A lot of people say I am, but I dont mean to. People keep telling me to say “thanks” or “your welcome” and stuff to counter this, but really thats the entire point of the like button, and saying those things through text sounds very… weird.

Again, yes. Especially on posts I create that I know will be controversial like EULA and then a bunch of people storm the post, uniting together to shit on my ideas faster than I could possibly take the time to make a long, good reply.

EDIT: AND when I DO make a good, long reply people post comments before I even make it, harassing me about shit like “oh here he comes!” “inb4 long ass reply” “lmao its gonna be huge”

I mean, I have meaningful discussion with people when they’re respecting me and not insulting me or when they come into the post starting a bad-faith argument and I change my mind on lots of things, especially on politics. I didn’t magically become the guy that yells at you to “read the bread book” overnight.

Thanks @Aj_Gaming because that was 100% a trashy insult on my character, whether he thought it was or not. Then he had the audacity to defend his “joke” by exclaiming its censorship. Which goes to show how much he respects my feelings. If someone thinks its not a joke, dont make it out to be one. I should have the freedom to post on the forums without “”“jokes”“” like this one popping up.

back to not arguing over a user on the internet.

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Lmao. Whatever you say pal.

If you guys aren’t gonna expose your pr0n history then get out of here


Ps. Just got to clear my name, I don’t use the white theme.

What even is that supposed to mean?


fucking christ can someone please help mefind this fucking meme if you watch jojo it’s a clip
of someone hitting there tv screen with a hammer to fix it’s dead pixels while audio of josuke is played saying “crazy diamond” please for the love of fuck help me find this meme god damn it, it makes me happy every time I think about it PLEASSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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this is like salt to my incurable wound


Probabaly a variant of this here clip


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wow it is p9nmda from th ep9nda youtube channel can we collab i make unturned videdo and i really want p9na


shut up froggo you idiot

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+rep funny and cool