How do you guys listen to music?

Youtube, copy the link, convert the video to MP3, download, voila!
Free music

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You wouldn’t steal a car
You wouldn’t steal a handbag
You wouldn’t steal a television
You wouldn’t steal a movie

Downloading pirated property is stealing,
stealing is against the law,

insert intense-ass music

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Well YouTube allows the same thing, you pay them, and they let you download any YOUTUBERS videos

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for offline viewing on youtube itself.

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This is a playlist of my favorite songs, it’s fairly diverse, and some of them are weird. Have fun! It’s basically the peak of 4 years of listening to music

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I record live performances of the music I like with a 1987 Sony camcorder that records on VHS. Using a dual VHS-DVD device, I convert the file into a dvd format. I then record the video using recording software, and take the mp4 file produced and drag it into a video editing software. After that, I splice off all the video footage, leaving me with a mp3 file. Once that’s done, I combine the file with a roughly 10-hour long compilation of all the other files I have created using this process using video editing software. I then wait 6-7 hours as it exports. Once it’s done, I open up unity and use it as the ambient sound effect for an object that I have placed in a map. I have 3 different objects; the straight playlist, a shuffle playlist, and a playlist that is solely the song Wonderwall by Oasis on repeat for roughly 12 hours. If I want to listen to a different playlist, I simply walk over to the other one. If I want to reset the playlist, I simply enter and exit the game. It’s a really easy-to-use method, once you get it down; I think it could be the future of music sharing!


i didnt read the whole thing but from the first few words i can tell the comment is good so i left a like


I pirate stuff because if the legit service is going to fucking charge me money and toss on two-minute-long ads while they’re at it, then there’s no way in hell I’m not going to go to a free website that does it for free, has no ads, and has the same quality as the original.

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What music streaming sites make you pay for the music AND still give you ads? I’d thought ones like Spotify/Pandora get rid of the ads if you pay.

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They do stop showing ads, and some adblocks block ads from both sites. Also 2.99 for Spotify and Hulu isn’t anything to scoff at

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On my PC i use spotify but for mobile i download the mp3 files of music onto my earbuds and use those

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MTN: “Cries in corner”

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