I’m curious how people deal with map spawns in maps. This ranges from item spawns to zombie spawns.
Here are some questions I have:
Do you prefer using the vanilla item spawns as is? Or do you use entirely custom or at least tweaked spawns? Do you make certain items spawn more often, and in more tables, or do you remove/add items from spawns?
Do you prefer using vanilla zombie spawns? Or do you tweak health and other values for more challenging zombies?
Do you like the current Unturned system regarding spawns? When I say this I mean how spawns are restricted to certain areas (you will never find medical items in a civilian house) and potentially strange spawns (random food spawning in fridges and ovens along with grocer/chef clothing spawning in those locations as well) or do you like changing the spawns?
I personally like changing spawns. I find the vanilla spawns often aren’t diverse enough and have some strange occurrences within them.
I often put very low tier medical items, such as rags and cough syrup in the standard civilian spawns since I never understood why this wasn’t a thing in the first place. Not being able to find medical items because the town you just entered has no medical location sucks. Adding very low tier medical items to civilian spawns also promotes checking towns in the first place since basic houses are often ignored.
I also like changing up food spawns, and I often remove the chef and grocer clothing from their respective spawns, and add some of the player craftable food when appropriate.
For zombie spawns, I tend to give most zombies more health, but I reduce the health of prisoner and civilian zombies to 75. Civil service zombies tend to get an extra 10-15 health, while police and ranger tend to get an extra 25 health. Military zombies usually have an extra 50-75 health.
Do other people do similar things like this? I’m curious to hear your thoughts on your mindset regarding item/zombie/vehicle/etc spawns in maps.