How many House 01s are in vanilla unturned in total? (contains giant red arrows)

This is house #01 (pictured above) its not a very important building, but how many of them are there?

I went through every map in vanilla unturned to answer that very question, and heres what i found: there are atleast 10 of them (might be more idk, i think i did a good job looking for all of them)

(btw we will not be counting burnt house #01 as while it is technically the same house, its not the true house #01)

Anyways heres the maps sorted by most house #1 to least house #01

Coming in at most house #01 is a tie between P.E.I. and Germany (pictured below)
both with 3 House #01s

(The Germany image not having a transparent background isnt part of the joke btw i genuinely forgot to make it transparent when making it in paint 3d :unenthusiastic_zombie_:)

Coming in 2nd (3rd?) is washington (pictured below) with two house #01s

Anyways coming in both tied with only one house #01 is Alpha Valley and Yukon (also pictured below)

Now You are probably wondering why russia isnt here, (and the other maps on the misc tab) That is because they dont have a house #01.

(Sidenote: No clue if im allowed to put this many images in one post, but as far as i can tell after reading all the rules and guidelines, either there isnt a rule against it or i cant read. My apologies if this breaks the rules)

(edit: bro i somehow forgot its called “house #01” not “house #1” my bad.)


Well, I dont really know why you did this but you did a great job, like lol, let it be. Interesting idea to spend your time. House #2 when?

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Was taking a break from messing around in the editor, kinda just felt like seeing how many times nelson used that specific asset in the vanilla maps. (not in a negative way or anything just kinda felt like finding out)

Idk if i will do other assets, if i were to count how many other assets are in the vanilla maps i would probably have it all in one post with more info (having a map showing where the assets are located)


Alright, thank you for explanation

This was very fun to see! Thanks for sharing. :smiley:

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