In the current game, in order to survive for an extended time in a city, you must craft a safezone radiator. If you are able to gather the resources to craft enough to cover the area you need, it can be a fun activity to take over a block or two but it is also incredibly difficult to sustain. My suggestion is to remove safezone radiators entirely and replace it with the length of time a player has been in an area relative to spawners.
Building in cities should be just as viable of an option as basing in the middle of nowhere and would really help to fit the apocalyptic vibe II will supposedly have. Player built structures, and the players themselves will (over time) cause all spawns in their area to cease. This will not only stop people from blocking off and hoarding loot but it will make it a much more practical option to take over a town. Disclaimer: I do not think a player should be able to stop all spawning with a single pine siding, I feel that it should only occur once every slot in a building is occupied. The amount of time a player needs to spend in a specific area in order to shut down spawns would be much higher. I would also make it where the longer a player is in an unprotected area (being any part of a town that isn’t fortified by a player) the more turned are attracted to them, this would prevent people afking the shutdown. The amount of offline time it takes for the spawns to resume should depend on the size of the player group and should be configurable by server owners.
I want taking over cities to be a viable option and I think constant player presence should inhibit item and turned spawns within an area.