this me A7hmed9870 [most people calls me A7med or simply Ahmed]
Today i had found an a way to hide or turn off the HUD of the game .
which can make Untunred a game almost without any HUD expect the Flowing icons In-game [Bleeding , Infected , Freezing , Safezone , ETC ]
I don’t know if i should try it out in the official maps and realise it to the workshop soon if anyone wanna try it out
For now i dont want to show of how to do it expect after releasing offical maps with this simple edit
if you want the could contact me in DMs
[offcousre i am not going to claim that the hole work is mine as its small code , makes big difference]
Here is some photos
there is one things are going to make you know when to eat or heal or Etc , by the icon that shows the problem you are facing now , i think this could be a little small edit for the boys who wants more hardcore in Unturned , and also the crosshair and hitmakers is shut down by the default single player settings
most likely its going to be in my next maps [ I mean the maps that are made by me 100% or a team]
For now thats it
Let me know whats your thoughts on it
Until Next time
I’m going to clarify for people since this isn’t a secret and doesn’t need to be.
You can disable HUD elements via a map’s Config.json. This was made possible on February 8, 2019. Plugins can do this too, but what OP is doing is just adding the following parameters to the map’s config:
The lines he mentioned force it off for everyone. For incase the mapmaker wants it so that nobody can see a certain element like how much health they currently have.
When you’re dehydrated/starving there’s status icons that appear, just like when you’re bleeding or you have a broken bone.
The status icons are definitely more eye-catching than seeing your food/water at 0%, although your screen suddenly going gray is probably a decent indicator too.