I’d like you guys to meet my dog bootleg
he likes it rains
why couldnt you have made a meme involving unturned? or does some booty need to be smacked.
I wish there was a heart broken option, because my heart just got a-booted.
Oh that pun deserves a boot for its booty
very bootyful
Yees, the bootyfulness of it needs some more pirates booty
welp time for boot jokes…
What’s is boot?
It’s the root. Of the boot
boots have larger roots than redwood trees
little know fact
Redwood should be renamed redboot
boots should be made out of redwood
Boot goes on the fooot not the foot
Boot goes on the head
No boot go n on your… Erm… Gp (gamerpic)
are you kidding me
boots don’t go on your gamerpic
gamerpics don’t need boots
you need some boots though
I heard the 53rd map in 4.x is going to be florida
so we’ll need boots considering the place just went through flooding