(I realized how bad this post was for unturned)

My other post is better

Item Presets

This can work alongside my other suggestion or be a seperate one. I think servers should have ability to choose between different Item presets. Basically this is a preset that defines what kind of items and vehicles spawns on the map. You could have a “militarized preset” or a “Hardcore” preset wich would both do different things. A survival preset would be the regular preset, not having heavily armored vehicles and no anti tank weapons/aa and possibly only armed cars/trucks.

Ability to mod and upgrade vehicles: This would be a much better version of the current freeform system, we would be able to upgrade vehicles with metal plates, placing them in predefined positions, add bulletproof tires and glass, add something like a PK or a .50 to a pickup truck with enough capacity, change camo/skin and much more.

Military preset would have more weapons, including heavily armored vehicles and anti tank weapons. (This is just an idea for what this can be used for, it would be usefull for RP aswell)

Of course map creators can create different presets on their own or use pre defined if the map uses vanilla item spawns.

I think this would open the ability to have everything from heavy survival or something like exile from arma 3 with a bunch of action.

Vehicle Combat

I also don’t think any “small arms” weapons should be able to damage such vehicles other than pop their tires and imobilize them.

There should also be stuff like mines, AT grenades (like the rpg 6) and anti materiel rifles that can also damage and disable an armored vehicle. There should also be specific points on each vehicle were they damage/penetrate most. (Ability to snipe out a driver trough a vurnerable point with a 50.cal sniper.

This is an edited reupload of my old post from reddit.

oh no






im dead


HOW DARE YOU KILL THAT Poor Cheeki Breeki Boy?!

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He had allergy to the weapons…

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Rip cheeki boi. You needless memes will be remembered.

Instead of having settings for what kinds of weapons and vehicles spawn, I think more powerful vehicles and weapons should just take more time and resources to build, find, repair, equip, supply, and run. Sure you may find an armored vehicle with a thirty millimeter cannon, but the armor would be heavy, incomplete, and difficult to repair, and crafting one thirty millimeter shell might use up as much material as crafting a hundred 5.56 millimeter cartridges. Some map makers may choose to make resources abundant enough for such vehicles to be more viable, but not every map can be balanced for such weapons and vehicles.

press f to pay respects

Presses f multiple times.

In all seriousness, changing loot tables to give certain weapons is pretty bad. Why add the weapons if they can only be used on a certain preset? A militarised format would better stem off into its own gamemode, like a sort of milsim.

Attaching weapons to a car is personally something I’m against. Say I added an M249 ontop of a ‘pickup truck’ as Americans call it, then I could just easily drive around and mow down enemies, without recoil being that much of an issue. And you mention adding a .50 cal to a pickup truck, and my mind instantly goes to a M2 Browning. This would probably be overpowed, no matter how rare this could be.

In your section about vehicle combat, the problem with adding vehicles that can only be countered with certain weapons is that if a group is powerful and basically controls all the locations where this spawns, then how would anyone counter this? At least in 3.0 you can usually shoot out a gunner because of how their head pokes out.

We already have landmines in 3.0, but since traps are underpowered, they rarely get used. Having a grenade specifically made for taking out tanks/armoured vehicles doesn’t make much sense. This is a sandbox, not Arma 3.

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Also, don’t forget we will be able to shoot out of vehicles as a driver.

f f f f f f f f f f f f z… Respectz completed
and yes, I agree with the fact that changing loot tables to make something rarer does not help in a multiplayer game. People would just keep going to the same location till they get the loot they want. It will always happen… so we need to find a way to make the people actually WORK for weapons like these, if they are even considered at all

if you’re aware that 4.x is focusing on survival but still want good variation of combat you should suggest things that still fit what unturned 4.x is doing, not .50 cals and mounted machineguns and BTRs,
and that “militarized preset” you talked about, just NO they dont fit in.

Knew this was bad idea, my real point was only to get locational damage and presets etc hardcoded in as it would be to hard for mods to add that sort of thing. 4.0 forum is vastly different from reddit as people did not just flame it for the weapons and vehicles addition that were purely to show how locational damage etc would be great.

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ArmA 3 is sandbox tho;P

I mean yeah it sort of is, but from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t really have all that much in common with Unturned.

And it should stay that way.

I should have found my old old post about vehicle damage which was more realistic and not to over the top like this one. Get out of here S.T.A.L.K.E.R


thats better, xd

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