A white flag joke? In France? How original of you. I never saw that one coming
THis is so funny, I can not stop laughing
You didn’t, because of how unoriginal it is.
Shakes my head. Bloodbags? This is singleplayer, isn’t it?
its time for a revolution dipshit’s
fight for baguettes
i like the french revolt ok
Nah its some trashy 100x server were zombies drop 100 items each plus blood bags are good
All I see is the French flag in its True form.
I didn’t see Deutschland either.
Why do you have like 70 blood bags all bound to different keys? You know it keeps the key when you use it right?
because he’s BLOODY stupid
amirite? amirite
after 1920 hours, i see the truth now
why key bind the same item 4 times, just keep it on one bind you fucking psyco
(10 chars)
oh god oh fuck
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