Idea: Map Generator

Generator generate landscape and place ready locations

Also maybe city generator from cells with ready houses etc

sorry for my english

This has already been discussed before.
Procedurally generated maps aren’t that much of a good idea, especially in a game like Unturned. Generated maps would lack personality, and get repetitive over time. A system like this is never going to be added.

edit: not to mention every official & curated map is based off a real life location, and procedural generation will practically eliminate this.

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It can be done to be original maps, with a personality, and generated

edit: generated maps do not need to have real life locations

We most likely won’t be seeing procedurally generated maps, but there have been plans for randomly/procedurally generated furniture in buildings placed in the editor

It was never planned, it was just a suggestion.

The specific thing Harvest mentioned (randomized house objects) was planned, and was partially started, in Unturned 3. The start of this was with the randomly colored objects.

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Just seems like a generally bad idea to me. How would this work on Multiplayer?

Yo, what is this? Minecraft?

same way as minecraft probs

I don’t think it would generate different furniture every time, just ease map making.

Also people would generate a map then upload it to the workshop and call it art

As someone who has messed around with procedurally generated environments before I can definitely say it would not work well in unturneds case. There is a ridiculous amount of problems that come with trying to implement that kind of system, not to mention the work involved. If you really want to play a procedurally generated zombie game I would recommend 7 Days To Die, although that game is a bug fest.

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